Wednesday, December 10, 2014


She yearned to get back to her roots - to come home.

As she left England to begin the arduous journey to Lobitos, Peru, her thoughts were dedicated to returning to that small village on the seashore where she was born.

Ann landed in Boston, bought a pop-top Volkswagen camper and drove across America to visit with me, her sister, in California. After a short rest, she continued down to Panama where, unfortunately, her van was totally trashed by local thieves. Determined to continue, she hitch-hiked alone through the very dangerous bandit-ridden territory of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru - until she reached Lobitos.

When Ann arrived, she was horrified to find her beloved birthplace surrounded by walls, wire and fearsome army machine gunners.

No amount of pleading would change their minds.

Devastated, she turned and trudged back down the dusty desert road. Seeing what had once been an adobe church, now half-covered with sand, she retreated down the steps into the serenity of the chapel. Looking around the small one-room sanctuary, she was drawn to the light coming from the open shell of a window at the other end of the room. There she could make out the silhouette of a man.

As she drew closer, she could see that he was dressed in a suit - a business man. Filled with anguish, she whimpered to him in Spanish that "They wouldn't let me in! They wouldn't let me come home." He replied that he too was devastated. He had come a long way to re-visit a place where he had worked for a man who was so wonderful in teaching him everything; giving him inspiration to be all that he could be.

She asked, "Who was that man?"
He answered, "Robert Collins."
She gasped in amazement, "That was my father!"

Overcome by the miracle of it all, tears streaming down their faces, they joyfully embraced in that Holy Instant - a divine re-union.
In pure love and gratitude, it was done.
They had finally "Come home."

True story by Janet E. Collins,
Author of the novel "One Path Home."

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Just being silly . . .

Just being silly . . .

Are you a small seeking selfish shadow of a seemingly special separate self sometimes shivering in the shame of a seemingly sinful son of man?  
Take sure steps with Spirit and symbolically stand in the sublime serenity of the Son of God.

Sincerely, Sister

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Another Story

Another Story

Just another story

about me and my glory.

No matter what I say

just throw it all away.

I'm here and I am something.

You're there and you are nothing.

The jewel in this dilemma

is hiding in the cellar.

Bring dark into the light.

Sit back with all your might

and listen to His Word.

The answer's not absurd.

There's no solution here.

Where is your mind my dear?

Like raindrops in the snow,

your thoughts just come and go.

Go where?” your body cries.

Who knows how one denies

the Truth of one's True being

It's not there or between.

It floats up in the sky

and sees the clouds roll by.

But chew on nothing now.

You're not a goat or cow!

Stay light. Stay love. Stay joy.

And do not keep one toy

to root you to the earth.

It's time for your re-birth.

10 minute writing class exercise

Janni Spiller


Monday, October 27, 2014

Playing with laughter

Playing with laughter

Gray, blue, orange and red.
Colours of autumn dance in my head.
Jumping Jacks and a hoola hoop,
Ducks in a pond – lots of green poop!

Clean up your act. Begin once again.
Laugh about writing and pick up your pen.
Nothing means no thing, so where am I at?
Playing with a mustache. My furry cat.

Good for you girl; you're free here at last.
Your words are expanding away from the past.
It's funny you're writing with nothing to say.
Do you think you are something or writing a play?

This play has four acts – all woven within.
Laughing and snorting was never a sin.
Blurping and sizzling your journey through life.
You'll end up in Heaven without any strife.

8 minute writing exercise
by Janni Spiller

Thursday, May 15, 2014



What an amazing people pod of creative genius sits in this room with me.
Ideas and words tinkling down from the ever-present universe.
Sounds of subtle music, heard from ions ago, filter through my being.
Who am I with?
Is this all me?
Delightful images of relationships with brothers all mingle into a glacial symphony of sound.
Ohm . . . m . . . m

We are swimming in a blue-green sea,
exploring things which will never be.
Enjoying the essence of you and me
as One.
Red, orange, yellow
green and purple
pods of mystery drift onward in eternal rings of joy.
One people pod
expressing God.

10 minute writing exercise
May 14th, 2014
Janni Spiller