Discover the wonder of being
No chatter, no matter, not
even a phone
A time to go inward beyond
time and place.
A time to go outward and be
more than space.
Discover the pleasure of
loving your Self
No concepts, nor thoughts. All
go up on the shelf.
Forget all the yearning for
this or for that.
Forget all the judgment. Put
it under your hat.
Discover the wisdom from
letting all go.
No dreams are needed. They
melt like the snow.
Remember the Son ship, the
oneness with all.
Remember your essence which
preceded the fall.
Discover the pureness of God's
Sacred Word.
No fiction nor fraction that
makes life absurd.
Don't frighten the children
that dance in the sun.
Nor talk of the nightmares
where you are undone.
For death rules the world and
yourself once again
Until you discover your true
Self. Amen.
Janet E. Spiller
(10 minute writing exercise)
November 13th, 2015
With the kiss of Bliss
enrapturing me by the closeness of our encounter, I realized that my
journey home had nothing to do with me, nor with my person hood in
any way.
I was now letting go of all my
conditioned thoughts and beliefs. The story of an illusory dance
within the egoistic dreamland of my mind was now being shriveled up.
In the emptiness of silence, a
new gavotte leaped and twirled with my spirit in harmony with joyful
awareness, scattering love throughout the universe.
No more linear journeys
towards some earthly goal that never existed.
I am a vision of That which is
eternally beyond objective time, space and form.
No words need describe to you
the brilliant discovery of Light emanating from within my soul, for
Awareness is One with you and all creation.
Janet Spiller
(10 minute writing class)
November 13th, 2015