Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I’m overwhelmed with all their chatter. 
And all their words that don’t really matter. 
I’m under-whelmed with compassion for them. 
To survive without screaming, I’ll count up to ten. 

 I really don’t like me for writing this crap 
But I’ll do it anyway to see how I map
 A road out of these thoughts to reach higher fields
 Where flowers are blooming and nothing here yields

 To sinister feelings.

 I’m causing this world.
 The flag is unfurled
 Whose white says, “Surrender
 To thoughts that are tender. 

Take a step up the ladder
 From madder and sadder
 And join them in laughter
 And peace ever after.”

 (10 minute writing exercise 4/15/2013 by Janet Spiller)

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