Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And so it is

                                    And so it is
You might ask, “How does forgiveness solve anything?”
I suppose it’s only when you do it and experience the great relief from letting go of a grievance, that you understand.
When you understand, you begin to love and loving allows further forgiveness until there is everlasting peace.
So, having no more problems, forgiveness has solved everything - that never was.

You might ask, “How does faith solve anything?”
Faith is seeing my friends, family and you, my mighty companions, as innocent.
Seeing you as innocent, I have imbued faith in my innocent Self.

You might then ask, “How does the light solve anything?”
Shining the light onto the dark field of rubble
resolves any trouble
 in my mind.
Seeing only light, there are no shadows.

And so it is.

Janet Collins
Author of romantic spiritual adventure novel, “One Path Home”
Order on Amazon.com

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