Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Dream

Another  Dream 

I want to go trudging in nature today
To see the deep ocean and feel its cool spray,
and Sequoia trees, so big and bold
you need ten people ‘round their trunks to hold.

I would like to lie in a field of flowers
And gaze at the sky breathing fresh air for hours.
My soul is restless for wild horses to see.
Let’s gallop along the shore and be free.

I want a warm arm around my waist
And a silent kiss to brush my face
And a hand to hold and a long embrace
that memories can never erase.

I’d like to go hiking up mountains again
And being surprised by what’s ‘round the bend.
Hot chocolate and French bread to eat by the Seine
And maybe a Frenchman to quench my yen.

I’ll ride a bicycle around Paris
And meet with poets and writers like me.
Another dream of romance and fun,
Until I wake up and find I’m undone.

(10 minute writing exercise, 7/24/13, by Janet Spiller)

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